Friday, June 05, 2009

Chick magnet

John Flora's 6th birthday. Pictured are (from left, front) Nancy Jackson, Sally Kent, John Flora, Susan Kent and Jeannie Taylor. (back) Jack Klepinger, the two Wasson brothers from Flora, Walter Popejoy, Bill Blythe and Bill Sieber.

It’s July 14, 1951 and it’s my sixth birthday party. This was shot in our back yard at 609 E. Franklin St., Delphi, Ind.

Even then, I knew where to be.

The kids are Jack Klepinge, Bill and Jim Wasson, Walter Popejoy, Bill Blythe and Bill (now Will) Sieber, Nancy Jackson, Sally Kent, me, Susan Kent, and Jeannie Taylor.

We lived in that house until the sprint of my third grade year when we moved to 917 E. Columbia.

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