Thursday, April 30, 2009

Today’s fortune cookie message

fortune Well, it’s about time.

Actually, I’m off to a good start – the rent check from our
Thorntown tenants showed up a day early. That’s the first time they’ve been early since we began this landlord-tenant relationship on Jan. 1.hardback cafe logo

I’m sipping coffee and blogging from the Hastings Hardback Cafe after a Chinese lunch at Kirin. I’m also waiting for a call from our banker to tell me we’re good to go on our effort to refinance our Arkansas home.

We had to take whatever rate was available in October, 2007 when we moved here. Fortunately, the rates have dropped about 2 percent since then and refinancing will reduce our house payment by about 10 percent.

(You might want to check with lenders to see if refinancing makes sense for you.)

We pulled into the restaurant parking lot next to an SUV with a personalized Indiana license plate that read “GOHOGS1.” That’s a sentiment that has resonance here where everyone is a University of Arkansas Razorbacks fan, but it makes no sense at all in Indiana. Unless, perhaps, you’re a pig farmer.

Turns out the driver’s wife is an Arkansas native and they now live in Evansville. She said she gets a lot of questions from Hoosiers about the plate.

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