Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hey, that adds up to 217%

I'm mostly Hoosier, more than a little Arkie after only 18 months, and remarkably Coloradan as a result of spending at least a week there every year since the late 1980s.

You are 93% Hoosier!

You take your Hoosier heritage seriously! No one will confuse you with a Buckeye, a Wolverine, a Kentuckian, or an Illinoisian.

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You are 54% Arkansan!

It's a better than average bet that you live around Little Rock or somewhere west of it. You're somewhat Arkie, but not all that much.

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You are 67% of a Coloradan!

You live either in Colorado or a surrounding state! Or, you are from Colorado and you belong back in this state!!!

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