Tuesday, April 21, 2009



I watched Gonzo, the 2007 Alex Gibney documentary on Hunter S. Thompson the other day, courtesy of Netflix.

It’s a pretty thorough account of Thompson’s life and lifestyle and I recommend it to anyone who wants to know more about HST.

On a personal note, it’s curious how much I shared his perspective back in the 1960s and early ‘70s and how little we had in common philosophically by the time he killed himself four years ago. I like to think that I matured and grew over the years, while he was so invested with the culture and values of the ‘60s that he couldn’t break free and reconnect with the realities of post 9/11 America.

Regardless, I still consider him the best writer of our generation and will make another pilgrimage to the Woody Creek Tavern the next time I’m in Aspen.

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