Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Doctor, Doctor, give me the news…


Hello from Hastings, where I’m netsurfing and enjoying my morning coffee.

I went to the doctor for my annual checkup this morning and, pending the results of the blood work, I’m doing just fine.

He’s pleased that I’ve lost about 6 pounds since last fall.

It’s a glorious sunny spring day here and I’m giving some serious thought to a long motorcycle ride. I really want to ride over to Eureka Springs to visit friend Sean Franklin’s CycleGadgets store, but it’s too late in the day to undertake that trip. Besides, I want to go early enough that I can have lunch at the Oasis Restaurant that Sean touts in his latest newsletter.

I’m stuck with a mid-day dental appointment tomorrow, so maybe Friday will be Eureka Springs day. So far, the weather forecast looks good through the weekend.

And 18 months is about as long as I can put off going for a ride in northwest Arkansas where the state’s really good motorcycle roads are.

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