Saturday, March 14, 2009

Taking the Subaru in for a new head gasket

We're taking the Subaru Forester in for service today, which will be kind of a major undertaking since it's a head gasket replacement and the dealer is more than 90 miles away in Memphis.

We got the leaking head gasket diagnosis in the summer of 2007, just before our lives got turned upside down with a move to Arkansas.

What with double house payments and other pressures on our time and resources, the head gasket never got fixed. As a consequence, the car has been burning oil and coolant, sometimes smelling like it's going to burst into flames, but still it soldiers on like a good little Subaru.

The dealer is scheduled to start the work on Monday morning and it's expected to take 2-3 days, so we're dropping it off today and plan to retrieve it sometime next week.

Maria will drive the Forester and I'll drive the del Sol on this trip which - as long as we're close - will also involved a visit to the best quilt shop in the area.

The photo above was shot in 2005. Maria was up on the back bumper trying to get a better look at some moose at Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.

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