Thursday, March 26, 2009

Over and over

 apocalypse-now-wallpaper-1-1024 image image image image

I have a Facebook account that I check on every now and then.

Facebook has features that let you list your favorite or least-favorite movies, songs, places, whatever. I did the "Five Movies That You Will Watch Over and Over" and chose the ones shown above.

I picked Apocalypse Now! over the Redux version because I don't like the way the longer Redux trivializes Robert Duvall's character, the crazy air cavalry colonel. I know director Francis Ford Coppola prefers the Redux version, but I think whoever edited the original made better decisions about what to leave in and what to throw out.

Easy Rider is a cheesy, clunky period piece, but I like it anyway.

Animal House is on my list because it's not that different from my own Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity experience in the '60s.

Gettysburg is there because it's just so damned well made. Martin Sheen is not particularly believable as Robert E. Lee, but Jeff Daniels is brilliant as Joshua Chamberlain, and Sam Elliott is spectacular as John Buford. Here's a deleted scene with Elliott:


My first impulse was to list Saving Private Ryan as #5, but that would make the list a little heavy with war movies, so I went with one of my favorite comedies, Best in Show.

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