Sunday, March 08, 2009

The Mini 9 is here

Photo_030809_001 My new Dell Inspiron Mini 9 arrived while I was on the road – too late for this trip, but I’ll have it for future trips.

The smaller keyboard takes a little getting used to. The apostrophe is in a strange place and the right shift key is tiny. Other than that, it’s pretty damned cool.

I have it networked with our other computers and our main printer.

I don’t especially care for touchpads, so I bought a Logitech NX80 wireless notebook laser mouse that seems to work fine. I also bought a case for it so as to protect the gorgeous red finish.

It has an SD card reader, so I can shoot photos with my cameraphone, pop the card into the mini and import the photo. That’s what I did with the photo above.

Oh, and it has a built-in webcam.

Not a bad deal for $250.

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