Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Don’t expect me to be friendly if these clowns show up at my door

The current debate in Washington over President Obama’s budget has made one thing clear — ensuring our long-term prosperity won’t come without a fight.

Partisan voices and special interests are showing real resistance to President Obama’s call for making the necessary reforms and investments in energy, health care, and education. That’s why we need to bring the conversation back into homes and communities across America.

Last week, thousands of you pledged your support for the President’s economic plan and encouraged your friends and family to join you in a national display of support. Now I need you to take the next step.

This weekend, supporters like you are organizing Pledge Project Canvasses to talk to people in their communities about this plan and mobilize support in neighborhoods across the country.

Host or attend a Pledge Project Canvass in your neighborhood this weekend.

It’s absolutely crucial that Americans hear from you about this plan — we can’t leave this important debate up to a Washington establishment that doesn’t welcome change.

It’s up to you to show Washington that Americans are demanding this new direction and won’t stand on the sidelines while our country’s future is at stake.

On these canvasses, you’ll join fellow supporters in your community to:

  • Talk with people about the President’s plan
  • Ask them to sign their names to the pledge
  • Provide information on how to contact and urge their elected representatives to support the plan

    Host or attend a canvass this weekend:

    Nothing is more powerful than having people hear from ordinary Americans about the vision President Obama has laid out for our country. Join us this weekend.



    Mitch Stewart
    Organizing for America

  • +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    Checking their web site, I see that the only such event within 45 miles of my home is a gathering of “Progressive Democrats in Action” at a ratty little coffeehouse/cafe near the ASU campus.

    The smallish building should be more than large enough to accommodate all of them, since Obama supporters are kinda scarce around here, even though Arkansas is a Democrat-controlled state. But that means something different here. They’re mostly Democrats in the old Dixiecrat unreconstructed Confederate sense and they have little use for the empty suit in the White House.

    That’s why guns and ammo, and especially assault rifles, started getting scarce in Arkansas the day after the election.

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