Friday, February 13, 2009

From the White House Propaganda Ministry


White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is having a bad day today.

Some members of the press are calling the Obama administration out on inconsistencies (lies) about the pending stimulus package and he's struggling to keep the right spin going.

As a veteran newsman, I could almost smell the blood in the water as some of the media types pursued increasingly aggressive lines of questioning.

One reporter, clearly unsatisfied with the inadequate responses he was getting on remarks made by the CEO of Caterpillar in the wake of Obama's visit to their headquarters in East Peoria, Ill., earlier this week, finally threw up his hands and said, "Well, I won't belabor the point," before moving on to another question.

I'm sure every reporter in the room - and hopefully any viewer who was paying attention - understood clearly what had just happened. No matter how he couched the question, he got the same non-answer.

I will be amazed if Propaganda Minister Gibbs lasts another month. He's running out of lipstick for the pig, if you know what I mean.


  1. Didn't you say you were going to start another blog for political strings?

  2. Actually, this blogpost is a journalistic observation.
    But your point is well taken. I still put the more strident stuff over on my Guns and Religion blog.
