Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Still available after 22 years


This is one of my favorite rude motorcycle t-shirts.

The fine print at the bottom reads, "Subtlety was never one of his strong points."

Riding home with Tim and Linda Balough from the 1986 BMW MOA rally in Monterey, Calif., we spent our final night on the road at a KOA west of St. Louis. I found a copy of Bike, a British motorcycle magazine, in the camp store and discovered an ad for this t-shirt. I bought one and wore it at rallies for a few years until it wore out.

British t-shirts - at least all of those I've seen - are made of thinner, cheaper fabric than in the U.S.

Anyhow, I'm happy to report that this design and several others by British artist Andy Sparrow is still available at his Web site,

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