Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The sky is (kinda) falling

We woke up at 6 a.m. to find we still had electricity, but our cable TV/Internet service was out.

There was about a quarter-inch of ice on the trees and fence and it was raining steadily.

Then, wonder of wonders, the TV/Internet came back up about 7:30.

I walked out to see if we had a newspaper and found the concrete driveway merely wet - no ice. And we had a paper.

I rearranged the stuff in the garage yesterday so we could get the Subaru Forester under roof, so Maria had a hassle-free start when she left for work. She called about 12 minutes later to say she found no ice on the road - not even on the bridges - on her drive to Jonesboro.

The weather radar suggests we're on the southern edge of the ice storm and could even see a break in the rain in 20 or 30 minutes.

Keeping in mind that things could turn ugly in the next 24 hours, it may be that we dodged the bullet.

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