Friday, January 16, 2009

One down, one to go

I just cranked out 21 column inches about tax preparation software for Maria's paper.

My reward for beating the Monday deadline was another assignment - stock market dos and don'ts for these troubled times. Oh, joy.

Actually, it's not too bad. I rather enjoy writing something a bit more complicated that the average blog post and the tax software story got me kinda fired up to do our taxes as soon as the information I need shows up in our mailbox.

The mailbox contents were a bit depressing yesterday - the quarterly statements for our 401Ks. Like everyone else, we lost thousands of dollars in value last year. With the federal government now firmly in the grip of fiscal lunatics, I don't expect things to get any better for a long time.

Now, I'm off to pack a CD I sold on and mail it at the post office. The Weather Channel website says it's a brisk 17 degrees out there right now. At least the sun is shining and the greenhouse effect will have warmed the interior of my del Sol.

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