Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No big deal for a Hoosier


We're expecting a little cold snap here in the Mid-South.

The local TV news was full of cold weather tips and warnings about frozen pipes costing "thousands of dollars" to repair.

This on a morning when the temperature was 33 degrees, headed for a high of 47. The overnight low is forecast at 10 degrees with a high tomorrow of 25. The temperature is expected to rebound into the 40s over the weekend to near 50 early next week.

But where we come from in Indiana, it's 17 and snowing with a wind chill factor of 2 degrees this morning, headed for an overnight low of -10 and a high tomorrow of 1. The temperature in Thorntown, Ind., isn't expected to climb back out of the single digits until Saturday.

Now that, my Arkansas friends, is real winter weather.

That said, I have absolutely no desire to ever experience the prolonged brutal cold of an Indiana winter again. I've lived through 62 of them and that's quite enough, thank you.

john coldThis is me on the campus of Indiana State University in Terre Haute in January or February of 1966 - lots of layers under my hooded pea coat, heavy gloves, a U.S. Navy cold weather face mask and sunglasses.

1 comment:

  1. Did you see Gannett is forcing furloughs before the last week in March? awesome.
