Saturday, January 03, 2009

Lost and found and exploding heads

john arkansas dl

This morning's check of our post office box yielded a surprise - the Arkansas driver's license I lost in Colorado Springs on Friday, July 25, 2008.

My best guess is that it slipped out of my wallet when I gassed my BMW K1200GT at a Diamond Shamrock station on the east side of Colorado Springs. I discovered it was missing when I stopped for lunch a few hours later at a Wendy's in Goodland, Kans.

I rode conservatively the rest of the way home and got a replacement license the following Monday.

My prodigal driver's license arrived in a U.S. Postal Service envelope with a rubber-stamped return address of USPS Nixie Desk, 3655 E. Fountain Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80910. There was no explanatory note inside. The front and back bear scuff marks consistent with being run over multiple times at a gas pump. I never expected to see it again, but I guess I'm glad to have a spare now.

Conspicuously absent from our post office box was the first month's rent check from our tenants. They obviously have no idea how much importance I place upon them paying on time and how this fosters anger and mistrust.

If it's not in the mailbox on Monday there is a 30% chance my head will explode.

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