Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The long strange trip begins...

tiptontrailer2This was my home 42 years ago - a trailer along an alley in Tipton, Ind.

I was 21 and a reporter for the Tipton Tribune, a six-day-a-week rural county seat daily north of Indianapolis and it was my first paying newspaper job. I was earning $65 a week.  I think the rent on the trailer was $25 a johntrailermonth, but I had to pay the utilities, including the heat. As you can see, there was no apron around the bottom, so the winter wind carried away the heat about a fast as the furnace could generate it.

And that's my 1965 VW beetle - my first car, which I eventually drove 100,000 miles back when that was an exceptional achievement for a car. It finally rusted to death.

These photos were shot with another first - my first 35mm camera. It was a Minolta Himatic 7, a rangefinder camera. I sold it years ago. It would be fun to have it back, but the meter needed a battery that used mercury and is no longer available.

My career at the Tribune began Sept. 6, 1966 and ended Feb. 3, 1967 when I joined the staff of The Indianapolis News. I started at $115 a week. The Tribune is still being published and The News folded in 1999.


  1. Excellent car. My first car was a 1968 beetle that had been improved with a '71 bus engine. Only beetle that I know of that could go in excess of 100MPH~!

  2. That's pretty cool. Mine could do 75 mph with a good tailwind. But it was the best car for driving in snow that I've ever driven. Those narrow tires with their small contact patches were perfect for getting traction in the deepest snow. Of course, the heater/defroster were hopelessly inadequate, so it was kind of like having an unheated snowmobile.
    My Honda del Sol, with its fat sport tires is a champ on dry pavement but turns into a sled on snow and ice.
