Friday, January 09, 2009

Confident smile, kind eyes... what more could you ask?

I was going to write something about the Obama "Historic Victory Plate" commercial that informs us this "priceless work of art" features a portrait of the New Messiah's "confident smile and kind eyes" that "are an inspiration to us all."  but I can't top this from

Yep, it’s FINALLY here! The Barack Obama commemorative plate. Watch the whole commercial on the website. I laughed my ass off at the end when the dude and his family are like “I thought this day would never come.” Is he pissed? He sounds kind of pissed. Of course he isn’t pissed! He wasn’t talking about the election of an African-American president. He probably voted for McCain. He was talking about the firing of a ceramic plate commemorating the election of an African-American president. I want the commemorative plate commemorating the first commemorative plate commemorating the election of the first African-American president.

Now that’s a PLATE you can believe in!

I think my favorite part in the commercial is when the guy is at his desk writing a letter or something and he glances over at his Barack Obama Commemorative Plate and nods his head and smiles like he was all “Man I just CAN’T write this letter to the editor of Readers Digest. “YES YOU CAN” -Thanks Barack Obama!!”

Check out the image, they spelled certificate, cirtificate. Now that’s a Spell Checker you can’t believe in!

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