Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Winter, Arkansas style

This week's sleet storm and resulting icy crust would have been a minor, short-lived inconvenience in Indiana.
But it's an ongoing crisis here in a county that has both snowplows out on the road.
Yeah, two snowplows.
And, of course, only Yankees know how to drive on snow and ice.
I drove Maria to work this morning because I need the Subaru to haul a bunch of Ebay packages to the post office. Its all-wheel drive and ABS make it a good choice, but we still have to watch out for the dopes who don't realize 4-wheel drive doesn't mean you can stop any better on ice.
I'm at McDonald's with my coffee and yogurt parfait, reading the Sun and getting ready to get on with my day.
Oh, nice dog photo on page 1.


  1. It snowed here in Los Angeles on Wednesday. The 15 was closed to Vegas and Malibu got a good dusting. Truckers were stranded on the Grapevine and everyone is starting to think Al Gore might have been wrong about this global warming. I'm told this cold wave is becuase of Global Warming in the Southern Summer.....ya, that's probably what it is.
