Friday, December 05, 2008

More calls for David and Jackie

We had two urgent voicemails when we returned home last night - both from a woman named Jessica with GMAC, looking for David and Jackie, the deadbeats who used to have our phone number.

So I returned Jessica's call this morning, sharing all of the addresses and phone numbers I've found for David and Jackie since I decided enough was enough with the calls from their creditors.

Jessica, who said she's an account manager, seemed very grateful and promised she would remove our number from their database.

So imagine my surprise when the phone rang about 5 minutes later. It was another woman with GMAC looking for David and Jackie.


I told her to talk to Jackie at extension 1701 and not to call our number again.

GMAC, formerly known as General Motors Acceptance Corp., used to be the wholly owned financial services arm of GM. My guess is that David and Jackie have decided they don't need to make car payments anymore. It is my fervent hope that my information guides a repo man to David's home or business.


  1. I used to get calls at least twice a day (usually while I was napping) for a Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferris. They owed someone money. I don't know how many times I spoke with a 'supervisor' to explain I had no idea who that was, I had just gotten the number, and the had better stop calling me. I don't think they believed me or they were just stupid or they didn't understand english because it went on for a year (they let off a bit and would call maybe once a week after awhile). And just when I would think they had given up (like I would speak to someone who sounded like they understood english). Ring, ring. Well, no one but the Harry Ferris stalkers were calling me on my home line (I just had it so I could have internet). My solution was to unplug the phone. And it hasn't been plugged in since June. However, I would suggest you don't do that because then I won't be able to hear your dog howl... or maybe that just gives you another reason to unplug it, ha.

  2. Well, at least mine had an interesting name... Harry Ferris. The humor made it a bit more bearable. I thought they were prank calls at first.
