Thursday, December 11, 2008

It must be working

I got my treadmill workout out of the way early this morning so I could shower and get on with my day.

Here are the numbers: 1.2 miles in 20 active minutes and a 5-minute cool-down. Heart rate: high of 142, low of 91 and an average of 122 over the 25-minute session. I was above my target zone of 94-141 for 4 seconds, in the zone for 24 minutes and 48 seconds, and below the zone for 8 seconds.

It's getting harder and harder to get my heart rate up to the upper reaches of my target zone. I have to punch the speed up to about 3.3 mph and the slope up to 4 degrees before I'm really feeling it, but a good iPod soundtrack makes even the more challenging sessions feel relatively easy. Must be the endorphins.

I've used the treadmill daily - with a handful of exceptions - since we got it at the beginning of November and I'm surprised and pleased with how much better I feel.

I've also gone down a belt notch (haven't been on the scales yet).

Could be one of the best investments we've made this year.

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