Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I love the sound of ice scrapers in the morning

scraping This is what happens when your garage is so full of stuff that you have to leave your cars out in an ice/sleet storm.

We dodged the bullet on a really destructive ice storm last night, but second prize was about an inch of sleet that formed a very hard crust on the ground - so hard that I left no footprints when I went out to fetch the paper.

I'd had the presence of mind to wrench the driver's door open on the Subaru when I hauled out the trash last night, so it opened without resistance this morning. I let the car warm up for about a half-hour before I attacked the ice on the windshield and windows. The hardest part was hacking away the ice from the wipers.

This needless drama underscores the importance of getting the treadmill upstairs into the bonus room over the garage and completing the dresser refinishing job. Clearing those two items from the garage will make it possible to get one car under cover.

My ice-encrusted del Sol isn't going anywhere today. As I mentioned yesterday, it's a freaking nightmare on ice. Besides, the doors freeze shut at the slightest hint of freezing rain. I don't expect to be able to get into it until tomorrow when the temperature climbs into the 40s.

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