Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Home again, home again

After 1,030 road miles and more than 18 hours in the car, we're home and our dogs are back from the kennel.

We had a splendid time with Maria's family and our friends Lauri and Jim up in bleak, frigid Indiana.

The thermometer at Maria's parents' home read zero when we loaded the Subaru Forester and rolled out in the dark at 7:45 a.m. EST yesterday. We paused for gas and a McDonald's breakfast at the Greencastle-Cloverdale exit on I-70 and continued west watching the sun rise in our mirrors.

It was sunny skies and clear roads all the way, although the temperature stayed in the single-digits through Indiana, in the teens down the length of Illinois and finally broke into the 20s by the time we got to Missouri.

We had hoped for a taste of Culver's frozen custard at Effingham, but we got there too late at night on Thursday and too early in the morning yesterday. So our consolation prize was a lunch yesterday at Lambert's Cafe (the home of the throwed roll) in Sikeston, Mo.

Stuffed to the gills, we topped off the gas tank and continued south, arriving at home about 2:30 p.m. CST. We unloaded the car and drove into town where we retrieved Pete and Ruthie.

I found a large, but curiously light, FedEx box on the front porch, which I suspect contains a Christmas present, so I'm waiting until Christmas to open it.

As I write this, I'm watching morning TV and our local station just informed me of a fatal crash on (according to the on-screen graphic) "icey" pavement.

They earlier referred to "the new president elect."

It's Arkansas. What can I say?

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