Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Falling for The Fall

thefallWe've been scouring the movie rental offerings for hi-def stuff we might like since we bought a Blu-ray player over the weekend.

With a few exceptions, I'm not particularly keen to rent something I've already seen, so that narrows our choices considerably.

We were scanning the Blu-ray rack at Hastings the other evening when my eyes fell up on "The Fall," a film by director Tarsem Singh. Here's the plot as summarized at

At a Los Angeles hospital in the 1920s, Alexandria is a child recovering from a broken arm. She befriends Roy Walker, a movie stunt man with legs paralyzed after a fall. At her request, Roy tells her an elaborate story about six men of widely varied backgrounds who are on a quest to kill a corrupt provincial governor. Between chapters of the story, Roy inveigles Alexandria to scout the hospital's pharmacy for morphine. As Roy's fantastic tale nears its end, Death seems close at hand.

It's an engaging story, and the images are absolutely mind-blowingly beautiful. This is the most visually stunning movie I've seen all year. If you haven't seen it, check it out, whether you have a regular DVD player or Blu-ray.

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