Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The vote is cast

votingThis was the scene when I arrived at the Brookland Fire Station at 8:46 a.m. today to vote.

The line moved quickly and I was in the electronic voting booth by 9:10 a.m.

After voting for McCain-Palin there wasn't much to do. In the Senate race, I opted for Green Party candidate Rebekah Kennedy over Democrat Mark Pryor. Congressman Marion Berry, a Democrat, was unopposed, so I cast no ballot for that office.

There were five referendi (Latin plural for referendum) on the ballot. I'd only heard about one - a measure to block gay couples from being foster parents.

I found this one particularly interesting:

Amendment 1 An Amendment Concerning Voting, Qualifications Of Voters And Election Officers, And The Time Of Holding General Elections.

Description: Amending Various Provisions Of The Arkansas Constitution Concerning Voting And Elections; Providing That All Persons May Vote Who Are Citizens Of The United States, Residents Of The State Of Arkansas, At Lease Eighteen (18) Years Of Age, And Lawfully Registered To Vote; To Repeal The Requirement That The Right To Vote Shall Not Be Made To Depend On Any Previous Registration Of An Elector’s Name; Repealing Article 3, Section 5 Of The Arkansas Constitutional Providing That No Idiot Or Insane Person Shall Be Entitled To The Privileges Of An Elector; And Permitting The General Assembly To Extablish The Date And Time Of Elections And The Qualifications Of Election Officers.
For Proposed Referred Amendment No. 1
Against Proposed Referred Amendment No. 1

I was under the impression that idiots and the insane were already voting in large numbers. I think I know which party seeks to enlarge its constituency by extending the vote to the idiots and crazies.

1 comment:

  1. That is what it looked like when I arrived at a local fire station (we have a handful) after getting lost and running around some scary railroad tracks at 5:30am in total darkness. I found the station 30 mins later, and there was a line :( But, my part is over.
