Monday, November 10, 2008

Say Cheeeeeeeeeese!


We went to a "Christmas in November" party Saturday night, which meant Maria had to come up with something interesting to eat.

Here's what she made - a plate of autumn leaves made of cheese (Swiss, Colby, and cheddar) with a cranberry chutney dip. The cheese leaves were created with the help of a multi-piece cookie cutter set from Hobby Lobby. Pretty cool, huh?

The original recipe called for cranberry relish which, of course, our local Kroger no longer carries. Apparently all inventory decisions are now made at Kroger headquarters in Cincinnati with no regard to regional tastes or preferences. Sounds like the Kroger bean counters are opening the door for regional niche groceries at their own expense.

So Maria improvised and came up with something that, IMO, was better than the original concept.

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