Wednesday, November 05, 2008

My Man Mitch!


I was delighted to see my friend Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels won reelection yesterday.

And he did it with amazing ease, considering that the state went Democrat in the presidential election.

Mitch got 58 percent of the vote, Democrat challenger Jill Long Thompson, got 40 percent and the Libertarian candidate got 2 percent.

Newt Gingrich marveled that Mitch got 25 percent of the black vote in Marion County (Indianapolis), which means a helluva lot of black voters were splitting their tickets to keep Mitch in the governor's office.

Congratulations to Mitch and to the state of Indiana. Since the Indiana Constitution limits governors to two terms, I guess we can start thinking in three years about a Daniels-Palin presidential ticket.

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