Thursday, November 20, 2008

The heat is on

Tonight's low temperature in Thorntown, Ind. is supposed to be 21, with a low of 19 forecast for tomorrow night, so it's time to turn on the furnaces at our Thorntown house.

I phoned Maria's parents, who live a few blocks away and asked her dad to fire up the twin Rheems and hang around long enough to confirm thermostatthat they're not going to set fire to the house.

The house was built in 1903, long before central heating was in fashion there so when they made the change, they put in two furnaces - one for the main floor and one for the upstairs. It seems excessive, but it's actually more efficient since we use programmable thermostats to fine-tune how much heating energy goes where and at what time.

I've been luxuriating in low gas bills since last spring. I wrote a check for $24.24 yesterday for the October bill. I had hoped we could get renters into the house before the heating season began, but alas, we're going to have to heat the joint until Jan. 1.

I asked Maria's dad to set the thermostats for 53 degrees, which should be enough to keep the pipes from freezing.

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