Thursday, October 09, 2008


My hard drive has gone wonky - wouldn't boot to Windows when I got home Sunday and fired it up.
I fiddled with it awhile and got it working, but it hung up again a couple of times this week.
Today it refused to allow my Blink antivirus to run and wouldn't recognize my docked phone.
So I'm running Steve Gibson's SpinRite 6.0, booting from a CD drive.
It just entered a 7-hour process, so I guess I'll adjourn to my laptop.

From the laptop:
I bought a copy of SpinRite several months ago, but could never get it to run. Turns out Roxio didn't copy it to a CD properly, so my computer didn't recognize the CD as a bootable disk. I tried again, burning the .iso file to a CD with a different program and voila, it's working.
Whether it find and/or fixes the problem remains to be seen, but at least it's running.

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