Monday, October 27, 2008

Sleep deprivation

It's a little after 5 a.m. and I've been up since about 2:15 when Ruthie the Wonder Dog woke us up panting and pacing around the bedroom.

She seemed keen to go outside, so I let her out into the back yard where she ran around and barked for awhile.

I let her back in, but she refused to settle down and let us go back to sleep. I put her into her kennel in the garage, which also didn't suit her and she kept us awake with a yip or a yark every two or three minutes until Maria let her back into the bedroom.

This was followed by more panting and pacing until I gave up and brought her up here to the upstairs office to give Maria a chance to get some sleep. She, after all, is the one with the job, so she needs the rest more than I.

This seems to have suited Ruthie. She flopped down on the office carpet and has only stirred a couple of times since we came up here about two hours ago.

Maria gets up at 6, so maybe I can get some sack time after that.

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