Thursday, October 09, 2008


The cattle in a nearby pasture have been bawling their brains out for the last 24 hours.

When Maria put the dogs out about 10 o'clock last night, she got so disturbed that she insisted we get in the car and cruise the roads to see if we could tell what the problem is.

She's a farm girl and says cattle don't make that much noise unless there's a good reason - coyotes killing calves, an amorous bull in the neighborhood or all of the calves being taken away to slaughter.

Knowing that a mother cow is sobbing over what will be my next Big Mac is a particularly disturbing thought and if I dwell on it might make me re-think my eating habits.

Now, at 9 a.m. the cacophony seems to have stopped about the time I heard what sounded like about a dozen gunshots off in the distance.

The firearms seasons for deer and turkeys haven't begun yet and I don't think anyone is building anything around here using a .45 caliber nail gun.


  1. I would imagine that the calves have been separated from thow cows for weaning. This would be about that time of year.

  2. That's what Maria's dad suggested and we've concluded it must be what's going on.
    So much for my "country" savvy.
