Friday, October 10, 2008

Just one of many reasons, but a huge one


If I had no other objection to the candidacy of Barack Hussein Obama - and God knows, I have plenty, including his connection with Acorn and their efforts to subvert the election process and steal the election through brazen voter fraud - I would oppose him on the issue of gun control.

Several friends whose judgment I otherwise respect are gun owners who profess support for Obama. Like most of Obama's supporters, I suspect these folks are in his camp out of hatred for George W. Bush and the mistaken assumption that John McCain is a Bush clone.

That's a pretty lame reason to hand our government over to an administration that will do nothing to protect our Second Amendment rights to private gun ownership. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld that right earlier this year, but by a slim 5-4 margin. Do you think Barack Hussein Obama will appoint Supreme Court justices who agree with that right?

Are you ready to surrender your hunting and personal protection firearms to the government like the poor fools in England, Canada, and Australia?

Putting your gun rights at risk is a really stupid way to register your dissatisfaction with a lame duck administration.

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