Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Imperial Candlewick


My mother was bigtime into entertaining and especially enjoyed hosting the bridge club she and Dad belonged to.

Chief among her hostessing accouterments was her collection of Imperial Candlewick glassware - plates, cups, saucers, relish dishes, salt dips, and on and on.

Unfortunately, it's not something that we ever expect to use, it's taking up space in the garage and just might help with our cash flow problems at the moment.

So I'm putting it all up for auction on Ebay. I learned a long time ago that good photography is a huge asset when you're trying to sell stuff on Ebay. So I ran everything through our dishwasher to make it sparkle, set up a purple velour backdrop on the dining room table and started shooting today. Here's the shot of the set of eight cups and saucers.

I've found and photographed two boxes of the stuff and know there's at least one more somewhere in the pile of boxes in the garage because I found Mom's hand-written inventory of all 85 pieces.

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