Thursday, October 30, 2008

13 Reasons (But I can think of lots more)

Why I'm voting to for John McCain and Sarah Palin. Let me count the McCainPalinButton[1]reasons (any one of which would be sufficient):

  1. McCain has a genuine record of service to his country in war and in peace, Obama does not (and made a big deal about refusing to wear an American flag lapel pin).
  2. McCain is on my side of the gun control issue, Obama is not.
  3. McCain is on my side of the right to life issue, Obama is not.
  4. McCain is unrelenting in his stance against terrorism, Obama is not.
  5. McCain is a maverick, who has a record of working across party lines. Obama does not.
  6. McCain is not a Chicago Machine politician. Obama is.
  7. Obama has socialist/Marxist economic views calling for the redistribution of wealth, where as McCain still believes in the American Dream of self-determination - in short Obama wants to give part of my piece of the pie to someone else while McCain wants to grow the size of the pie.
  8. Obama has repeatedly lied about his connection with ACORN, the Rev. Wright, Bill Ayres, Rashid Khalidi, and who knows who else?
  9. Obama and his campaign have refused or are unable to produce conclusive proof that Obama was not born in Kenya, which would disqualify him from serving as president. There is good reason to suspect that his mother falsified the record to show he was born in Hawaii.
  10. An Obama presidency, coupled with a Democrat-controlled Congress would create a liberal dictatorship and change his country in ways that are unthinkable and absolutely unacceptable to me.
  11. Sarah Palin has proven herself as an administrator - something none of the other candidates have done. She's bucked the system and ably managed the largest of the 50 states.
  12. McCain and Palin share my values across the board, Obama and Biden share virtually none of my values.
  13. It's time for a woman to be on the ticket and I am perfectly comfortable with Sarah Palin being one heartbeat from the presidency.

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