Saturday, September 13, 2008

Snake sighting

cartoon_snake I surprised an Eastern Racer - what my Dad used to call a Blue Racer - on my first lap around the yard on my mower this afternoon.
It was near the woods on the southwest corner of our lot - the same place where I saw one a couple of months ago. Chances are, it's the same individual.
He was hauling ass for the woods when I noticed him, then he froze as I got about 20 feet away. That's their strategy, to hold still and hope they haven't been noticed. I shouted and clapped my hands and he took off again, disappearing into the woods.
I remained vigilant, but saw no more snakes.
The 25-song blues playlist was exactly the right length to get me through the lawn mowing.


  1. snakes have no ears. next time stomp your feet.

  2. Oh, yeah.
    He must have been responding to the vibrations from the lawn tractor motor, the sight of it roaring toward him and the smell of the exhaust.
