Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Off to a good start


I taught my first session of the St. Bernards Senior Life Center digital photography class last night and was generally pleased with the way things went.

I think the final count was about 10 students and, as I expected, there is a wide range of photographic skill in the class, running from the woman who kept pressing the "off" button to take a picture to some folks who used to process their own film. The woman with glasses in the center of the photo is the only one with a digital SLR and she's catching on quickly.

I was able to clear up a lot of photographic mysteries in the Q&A part of the class and we ran out of time before we had a chance to really get into the Looking At Pictures part of the program. No problem. We have seven more sessions and there will be plenty of time to look at photos and discuss what's right and what's wrong with them.

I thought this might be fun and it is.

Maria came along to help and did a good job of filling in the gaps and showing some of our photo equipment to the folks in the class.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! You now have a new job teaching the helpless and uninformed. When can you teach me?
