Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Walmart logo - some history


This is the new logo for Walmart, inaugurated this summer.

I checked the company site and was surprised to find it's the fifth since the company was founded in 1962.

9208 This is the logo we've been looking at since 1992.


And this was on the storefronts from 1981-92.


Walmart favored this Western-looking logo from 1964 to 1981.


When Sam Walton founded the empire, they weren't picky about fonts. It appeared in whatever font the printer had handy.

6881  The Discount City mark was used in print advertising, on uniforms and smocks, in-store signing and other things, but it was never used as building signage or in an annual report. It was around from 1961-81.

So now you know.