Sunday, September 07, 2008

Getting ready

I've spent several hours this weekend preparing for the unknown - the eight-session digital photography class I'm teaching at the Senior Life Center, beginning tomorrow evening.
The woman who coordinates these things says she's pretty sure about 13 participants, but it could be more like 30.
As I mentioned some weeks ago, the challenge is to structure a course that will be useful to the complete novice whike keeping the more advanced shooters engaged.
I think I'll devote the first half of the 90-minute sessions to technical stuff and the second half to looking at and critiquing pictures.
After all, pictures are what this is all about and everyone in there ought to enjoy looking at photos.
I just bought 100 stick-on nametags which I won't be able to read in a room darkened for the computer projector. But they'll come in handy during the mid-session breaks.
I will, of course, want to see some of what the students are shooting. I'll post some of their pics here if I think they're worth sharing.

1 comment:

  1. you could send your students out on 15 minute photo expeditions to practice what you have taught them in the first half of the class with a quick show and tell after... That would keep every (wink-wink-nudge-nudge) one busy!
