Monday, August 04, 2008

Search for the ring

Maria's wedding ring has gone walkabout again.
This happened about a year ago when we lived in Thorntown and it turned up in her jewelry box in a spot where she never put it before.
We suspect the ghost of my mother, since the central diamond in the ring came from Mom's engagement ring.
We skipped trash pickup last Tuesday morning so Maria could root through the trash bags on the bottom - the ones containing stuff that was thrown out around the time of the ring disappearance.
So the trash continued to pile up in the dedicated trash hauler's bin and since we've had a week of temperatures in the 90s and 100s and heat indexes as high as 110, the trash and garbage got very rank and naturally there were maggots. Lots of maggots.
She put on latex gloves and rooted through the bags this evening. I helped pull several bags out and very nearly gagged.
But the search failed to yield the ring and the search goes on.
In other developments, I got a $150 bill for my Emergency Room visit over Memorial Day weekend for my Swiss Army knife wound to my left wrist.
Studying the bill, I discovered the hospital billed my insurance carrier more than $1,100 for the services.
Holy shit. It didn't feel like $1,100 worth of medical care.


  1. I can think of a couple hobbits who happen to be good at finding rings. Call Frodo if you need help.

    Good luck in the search.

  2. Didja find it yet???? LOL You need to update us when you do. ;-)
