Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Free Wi-fi!

Since Indco Cable can't maintain a TV/Internet connection to our house this morning, I decided to take my laptop to the public library and use their Wi-fi to do my Internet business.

We decided it would be wise for me to drive Maria to work this morning because she's still a bit dizzy from yesterday's attack of vertigo - the apparent result of inner ear congestion.

So imagine my chagrin when I pulled into the library parking lot at 8:10 a.m. to find the place closed with a sign on the doors announcing that, effective Aug. 4, they will be closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.

I went in search of free Wi-fi and found it at the Hardback Cafe at Hastings at Nettleton and Caraway. It's a very pleasant environment, although I'm not crazy about their choice of music on the PA system. I'd use my iPod, but I don't want to be completely oblivious to my surroundings.

I've decided to sell my modest collection of East German military uniforms - a mix of army, air force and border guard stuff.72EGAF Among72EGAFcap the items I listed this morning is this Luftwaffe major's uniform - trousers and tunic with decorations - that appears never to have been worn. I had to do a bit of Google searching to determine that it, indeed, the insignia for a major on the shoulderboards.

I don't have any reason to think this stuff will bring big bucks on Ebay. A scan of completed sales of East German uniforms turned up lots of failed sales and low selling prices. Whatever. I just want to turn it into cash and free up the space in the garage where the big mover's wardrobe box is sitting.

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