Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A little history

centennial medallion

Here's something that makes me feel old if I think about it much.

It's the 2½" diameter solid bronze medallion that was given to attendees at the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity Centennial Celebration in August, 1965, at the then-national headquarters in Champaign, Ill.

I have one because I was one of maybe three or four members of the Indiana Zeta Omicron Chapter in attendance. I remember it like it was last month. But it was 43 years ago.

And in a scant seven years, ATO will mark its sesquicentennial. And if I attend, I'll look as decrepit and ancient to the undergraduate members as the guys who were around for the 50th anniversary looked to me back in '65.

Kinda creepy, isn't it?

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