Monday, June 30, 2008

Young composer

This photo was in the latest RSS feed from my son Steve and shows an oh-so-brief musical score apparently composed by his daughter Lisa.score

Looks like it was photographed with his iPhone on the refrigerator door.

Whatever musical abilities Lisa has, she comes by them honestly. Her dad is a professional musician and her Uncle Sean is a musician/recording engineer/producer.

They were raised in a house where there was always music playing. I was in every instrumental and vocal ensemble my high school had and considered a music major in college before veering off into journalism.

My dad's musical expression was limited to singing in the church choir but his father was a multi-talented musician who was recruited for John Phillips Sousa's band, but had to decline because his parents were Amish and didn't approve of such things.

Anyhow, nobody will be surprised if Lisa turns out to be very musical.

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