Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Uninspired and offering advice

I'm feeling singularly uninspired this morning.
This is Day Five of my Shingles treatment. The blotches are about the same, but the nerves in my right arm are tingly and on edge - sorta like when your arm falls asleep, but constantly and accompanied by joint pain in the fingers of my right hand. And my right armpit feels like it's on fire.
There is a vaccine for Shingles that will either prevent or reduce the severity of the condition.
Maria says she recommended it to me several months ago, but I don't recall the discussion. It's a moot point now.
But if you've ever had chickenpox and have not yet had Shingles, I suggest you look into it because about half of the folks who have had chickenpox can expect this nasty little experience by the time they reach 70.

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