Saturday, June 07, 2008

Shit! Shingles!

A doctor took one look at the angry-looking rash on my neck behind and below my right ear this morning and pronounced that I have the dreaded shingles.
Herpes zoster is the medical name and it's apparently the legacy of childhood chickenpox. The virus has been lurking in my nervous system for more than half a century, waiting for the right stressful conditions to erupt.
I started noticing a prickly sensation on my neck a couple of days ago and waited for it to go away. It was decidedly worse this morning, with nasty little blisters that looked like poison ivy poisoning and big red blotches.
Maria insisted that I see a doctor and the shingles diagnosis was the result.
I'm now taking Propoxyphene-N 100W thrice daily with a supply of Famciclovir 500 mg in case I get too uncomfortable.
So far, it looks worse than it feels and if this is as bad as it gets, I'll count myself lucky in light of the shingles horror stories I've heard.

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