Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Minor surgery

I'm sporting a nasty looking red abrasion in the middle of my right eyebrow where a dermatologist scraped away a suspicious bit of tissue this morning.
He didn't think it was skin cancer, but removed it anyway just to be safe. Fine with me.
As a side note, the referring physician said there are two dermatologists in town - one who is very well-liked by his patients and has a long waiting list and the other who has a reputation for not being very patient-friendly and has a short waiting list - and both are equally good professionally.
I opted for the short waiting list and was resigned to dealing with a cranky cold fish. To my amazement, the guy turned out to be super friendly, and an excellent communicator with a great sense of humor. I can only conclude that being a fellow midwesterner - he's from Ohio - he may have trouble relating to southerners. I thought he was great and would recommend him in a heartbeat.

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