Tuesday, June 17, 2008


We lost our Internet connection this morning, something that happens with annoying frequency here.
I did the routine troubleshooting and found I'm getting a good strong Wifi signal from our wireless router and repeater. So I stopped short of rebooting the modem and router - something that requires disconnecting the repeater and re-synching it with the router at the other end of the house - and called the cable company to see if the problem might be on their end.
Their tech support guy opined it probably was and offered to send a guy out to work on it. After some discussion, I determined the guy can also go into our attic and connect the two cable outlets in our upstairs office, which will make it possible to hard-wire our two desktop computers to the router and free the repeater for use elsewhere in the house in support of any roving laptops we may want to use.
And he'll only charge $20 to do it. What a relief.
The guy is coming tomorrow afternoon. In the meantime, the Internet connection is up, however shaky it may be.
We also got the final printed albums for our last wedding clients and they look fabulous. I had them sent to us first, in case they had any defects. I'll mail them to the clients in Atlanta this afternoon and at long last be done with that job. We shot the wedding on my 62nd birthday last July 14. The obligation caused me to miss the BMW MOA national rally, which I considered a major sacrifice.

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