Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Missed photo op

Last Saturday, an outdoor wedding along Piney Creek near Dover, Ark. - about 64 miles northwest of Little Rock, ended with an apparent stranger shooting and wounding the bride and groom and a couple of bystanders.
Witnesses said he just walked up and started blazing away with a 9mm pistol.
The police caught up with him in nearby Russelville a short time later.
No photos of the shooting have surfaced, begging the question of whether there was a photographer present.
I can guarantee you that if Maria and I were there, we'd have snapped into News Photographer Mode without hesitation.


  1. From
    "Only in the South can a neighbor's dog get in a fight with the bride and groom's dog at an outdoor wedding and everything ends with several people being shot."

    The link:

    LOL. Weird.

  2. I would imagine if you two were shooting the wedding there WOULD be court submissible photos for evidence. Aren't you glad you are 'out' of the wedding photo biz?
