Thursday, May 15, 2008

Me vs. Technology: I win again

I spent the afternoon fighting technology.
But, by God, I won!
I bought a Linksys Wireless-G Range Expander from Circuit City in hopes of being able to get a stronger WiFi signal up here in our office.
The wireless router is at the nearest live cable outlet, which is in the kitchen. That results in a usable but weak and slow signal in the office.
The alternative was to call the cable company and have them send a guy out to hook up the cable in the office, which would probably cost some serious bucks.
Naturally, I ran into trouble.
I spent about 30 minutes on the phone to Linksys tech support in India until they dropped the connection.
Then I called my tech guru Tim Balough in Alma, Colo. and he talked me through several scenarios for about an hour until we both ran out of ideas.
I finally came back upstairs, worked my way into a corner with the software for my Netgear wireless card, but managed to get a working connection on Maria's computer. Concluding that my Netgear card is hopelessly tangled and not being in the mood to sort out its software problems, I hard-wired the Linksys Range Expander into the ethernet port on the back of my computer, muttered a few incantations and was stunned to discover I now had a working, super-fast internet connection. Finally.

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