Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Low-tech printing in the era of space exploration

This is one of those rare occasions when I can pinpoint when an old photo was taken.
This was shot the afternoon of Dec. 21, 1968. I was a makeup editor at The Indianapolis News and I'm standing next to the front page of the paper's Blue Streak (final) edition for the day with the headline: Apollo Roars Toward 1st Moon Rendezvous" It was the day of the Apollo 8 launch - the first manned space flight outside earth's orbit and the first to orbit the moon. The first moon landing came seven months later on July 20, 1969.
And, yes, this was in the days of typewriters, Linotype machines and hot type printing. I really am that old.
Skip Hess shot the pictures. He's even older than me.