Saturday, May 10, 2008


We don't have armadillos in Indiana, so it's something of a novelty to see them here in northeast Arkansas.
The only ones I've seen so far have been roadkill. A couple of them have met their maker on U.S. 49 between our house and Jonesboro in the past week. The armadillo has an unfortunate habit of leaping into the air when it's alarmed. It may be a good defense mechanism in the wild, but it's a very bad idea when Mr. Armadillo finds himself in the path of an oncoming car.
I'm told the armadillo is relatively new to these parts, extending its range farther north over the last few years.
I keep waiting to see one waddling across my lawn, but that hasn't happened.


  1. holy crap! that is cool! I've never seen an armadillo before, especially a dead one.

  2. I thing they look like a rat-filled crustacean.
