Monday, April 14, 2008

Taxes and eyes

I filed our Federal income tax return electronically this morning and put our Indiana and Arkansas returns into the mail after lunch, so I can now move on to other things.
According to the TaxCut software, Arkansas requires a copy of our Federal return in addition to the Arkansas forms. Kinda bizarre, but I guess they like lots of paper.
Now it's back to the wedding album that I hope to send to the printers in a day or two.
I paid $19.99 for an H&R Block tax consultant to help me determine whether we could claim any kind of deduction for the $15,000 our contractor stole from us last year on our abortive garage project. There is a provision for cases of theft and I was hopeful that could also be interpreted to cover fraud.
Turns out our situation isn't included, so we're hosed again.
Got an appointment with a new ophthalmologist tomorrow morning. I've been having trouble seeing well enough to read and I'm wondering if it's time to deal with the cataracts my Indiana eye doc said were forming a year or so ago.
Everyone who's had cataract/lens replacement surgery tells me it's easy and amazingly effective. I'm more than ready to get back to seeing 20/20 or better and using glasses

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